Young Justice Outsiders Episode 3 Review

Young Justice Outsiders Episode 3 Review The prince now has his meta gene unlocked and he now wants to battle with his evil uncle to save Markovia. His uncle has a dark secret that will be revealed this episode. Our…

Young Justice Outsiders Episode 2 Review

With the Justice League losing several members how will how heroes fair? We get to catch a glimpse at some of the new meta humans of this series as well as a new team being formed.

Young Justice Outsiders Episode 1 Review

Hey everyone! I know it has been a minute since you heard from me but I have been working on some big personal projects and 2019 has been extremely busy and exciting!! I will give everyone some major updates soon.…

200 Subscriber Giveaway

Hey everyone! To commemorate getting 200 subs on YouTube I wanted to celebrate by doing a giveaway on my channel. If you want to enter head over to my channel to and find out how.